

Hi there! I'm currently a university student studying International Relations and Russian. Right now I am on my gap year in Moscow, blogging about the ins and outs of life in Russia. I am an aspiring journalsit with an interest in all things creative and media-esque
lolalawal has written 24 posts for Moscow Musings

The Theatre Experience

I couldn’t have left Moscow having not visited The Bolshoi Theatre. That’s why when a few of my friends decided to go and watch The Three Oranges, I jumped at the chance. I can safely say, the experience exceeded my wildest expectations, for the most unimaginable reasons. Waiting for a ticket  Firstly, I highly recommend … Continue reading

The Return

And with a twinkle of an eye, it was all over. I waved goodbye to friends, babushkas, stares on the metro and took the journey back to the land where I would once again be a mere mortal. Yes, that rather dramatic sentence refers to the fact that almost four weeks ago, my year abroad … Continue reading

Attracting Strangers

Fact: I have met more strange people in my few months of living in Moscow than I have in my entire life. This is why I love this country. From drunken old men to slightly crazy cat ladies, the calibre of people I encounter on a daily basis, never ceases to amaze me. I think what … Continue reading

Trip to Belgorod

I have been wanting to travel out of Moscow for a while and I finally got the opportunity to do that a few weeks ago I went to Belgorod, a quiet city close to the Ukrainian border. Despite all the shambolic happenings at the beginning of my journey, like me missing my train and almost … Continue reading

Samsung Global Blogger

So recently, I applied to be a “Samsung Global Blogger”, part of this really cool competition which Samsung are running to find bloggers from around the world who would be up for reporting action during the London 2012 Olympics. As I am a blogging and Olympic enthusiast, I decided to give the competition a try. Check … Continue reading

Russian Election Day Observers

I spent Russian election day on the 4th march with observers at polling stations. It was actually refreshing to see their points of view and passion for their cause. Here is the short documentary I made about them for Moscow Times:

Have Yourself A Very Russian Easter

There is a first time for everything and on Sunday, I experienced my first ever Easter in Russia. Of course, this called for a perfect opportunity to vlog, hence the video below. Hope you enjoy it 🙂

Urban Living (OOTD)

I spotted these two teenagers whilst walking home from my language school. I love the way their outfits compliment each other. Also, isn’t it crazy how teenagers these days look so much older than their age? The girl is only 15 and yet look how much she is rocking this picture!